Friday, 15 April 2016

M- Make up remover

Hello everybody

Welcome to the thirteenth day of A-Z April. Today I am going to let you know my favourite makeup remover. I hope you enjoy.

         The original Garnier cleansing micellar water.

This is £4.99 and you get 400ml, but at boots it's usually on offer for around £3.
It says on the bottle that you can get 200 uses out of it and I do find that to be true as it lasts for ages.
All I do is use a cotton pad and put two to three drops on two pads and use one for my face makeup and then one for my eyes.
As it is a water based product I find that it isn't at all greasy and removes my make up very quickly and easily.
I haven't tried the one for sensitive skin as I don't really need it and get along just fine with the original.
This is supposed to be a dupe for Bioderma which is now available at boots for £10.50 for 250ml. I haven't tried Bioderma but I've seen reviews saying they are very similar to each other, so I would recommend trying the Garnier one first if you haven't tried a micellar water so you can see if you like it and you want to save a little bit of money.

So that was my review of my favourite makeup remover. I hope you enjoyed. What is your favourite make up remover?

Love Em xx

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