Today I have decided to start a monthly blog theme where I write about something that I have enjoyed doing that month.This month I have enjoyed looking at different Vogue covers.
The main reason why I have is because I really enjoyed looking at the different hair and make up styles on them all. I have been interested in looking at the vintage covers to the most recent ones, as it has been nice to see how all of the trends in fashion and make up have changed through out the years. Another reason why I have liked looking at them on Pinterest is to see if / see how I could recreate the hair and make up styles at home.
These are two of my favourites that I have seen on Pinterest:
This one is the March 2015 Vogue Beauty cover for Japan;
I really like this one as the bright pink blusher brings out the pink and white flowers on the eyes.The blusher also really stands out as the model has very fair skin. This cover was obviously for spring time as the colours are very vibrant and a lot of pink colours.
This one is the July 1939 Vogue cover;

This cover is one of my absolute favourite vintage Vogue covers. I think that it almost has a nautical feel to it with the white and blue colour scheme. I think that it also looks very vintage American with the same scheme. Another reason why I like it as although is was made in 1939 I think that it looks very 1950s.
So that has what I've been enjoying this month. If you have something else that you think that I will enjoy then leave it below.
love Em xx
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